

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今年四月,英国著名歌手阿黛尔·阿德金斯(Adele Adkins)宣布与相处了七年多的丈夫西蒙·科内切奇(Simon Konecki)离婚,据报道,阿黛尔于当地时间周四正式向法院提交了离婚申请。

Adele files for divorce from Simon Konecki

Los Angeles Times

British superstar Adele has filed for divorce from husband Simon Konecki after more than seven years as a couple, all but guaranteeing more heartbreak ballads for any and all upcoming albums.


ballad /ˈbæləd/ 表示“抒情歌曲,情歌;叙事诗歌,民歌,歌谣”,英文解释为“a slow love song;a short story in the form of a poem or song”。

The singer, 31, filed a divorce petition in Los Angeles Superior Court on Thursday, The Times has confirmed.

Her family court filing comes a few months after the couple announced that they had split.

“Adele and her partner have separated,” her representatives told the Associated Press in April. “They are committed to raising their son together lovingly. As always they ask for privacy. There will be no further comment.

The fiercely private pair must now determine how they’ll handle custody of their 6-year-old son, Angelo, and how they’ll divvy up their finances. (Konecki also has a daughter from a previous marriage.)

divvy up

表示“分享;分担,分摊”,英文解释为“to share something between a number of people”举个🌰:

They haven't yet decided how to divvy up the proceeds from the sale.


According to several reports, Adele and Konecki, an investment banker-turned-philanthropist, might not have had a prenuptial agreement in place when they wed. And because the singer filed her petition in California, where they own property and Konecki’s business also operates, he could be entitled to half her earnings since they wed, People reported.


prenuptial /priːˈnʌpʃəl, -tʃəl/ 表示“婚前发生的; 婚前存在的”,英文解释为“occurring or existing before marriage”,如:a prenuptial agreement 婚前协议。

反义词:postnuptial 婚后的。


表示“使有权”,英文解释为“If you are entitled to something, you have the right to have it or do it.”举个🌰:

If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund.


She and Konecki met as her 2011 album “21" was gaining mainstream attention. The couple welcomed their son in 2012. The two reportedly wed in 2016, but Adele only confirmed the union during her 2017 Grammy Awards acceptance speech, when she referred to Konecki as her husband.

Earlier this year, the Oscar winner seemingly addressed the split on Instagram, posting a meme about getting emotional. In a post on her 31st birthday in May, the hit-maker also reflected on her trying year and teased to new music about it.

I’m owning it and trying my hardest to lean in to it all. No matter how long we’re here for life is constant and complicated at times,” she wrote. “I’ve changed drastically in the last couple years and I’m still changing and that’s okay. 31 is going to be a big ol’ year and I’m going to spend it all on myself. For the first time in a decade I’m ready to feel the world around me and look up for once.

big ol'

Alternative spelling of big old,实际上就是big old,Exceptionally or impressively large, either in physical size or in magnitude, where "ol'," an elision of the word "old," is an intensifier and not indicative of age. Primarily heard in US, South Africa.

“Be kind to yourself people we’re only human, go slow, put your phone down and laugh out loud at every opportunity. Learning to REALLY truly love yourself is it, and I’ve only just realized that that is more than enough.”

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